Please indicate if it is confidential or if sharable to the prayer team.

Devoted to Prayer
Prayer is the fuel for every ministry at Christ Church.
Our prayers are guided by the Holy Spirit, that God's will "be done on earth as it is in heaven," producing deeper trust in God's good provision.
Healing and deliverance for God's people in body, soul, and spirit bears witness that we may enjoy our salvation in Jesus today, not just in the future.
Do you have a desire to pray for others?
All Christians are called to the discipline of prayer; some are trained to join alongside others to encourage, discern, and/or intercede on behalf of others in prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Altar Prayer Team members are available at our services to assist people seeking prayer for any reason.
Intercessory Prayer Team members meet each Thursday at 10:00 am to pray for the needs of the parish and for our staff and clergy.
Prayer Warriors are dedicated to praying individually throughout the week for needs submitted to the parish Prayer List and emergency prayer concerns.
Parents in Prayer are parents who meet on the last Monday of each month at 5:30 pm to intercede for the needs and spiritual welfare of their adult children. Parents of school-age children: please contact Deacon Deb if you wish to start a group.
Join us today! Training is available for each of our prayer teams. Please email Deacon Kim for information.
Do you have your own physical, emotional, or spiritual concerns?
Christ Church provides specific resources for healing prayer and direction.

Deacon Kim Allen organizes our parish prayer teams.
Spiritual Direction ministry
Spiritual direction is a guided listening to God, learning from Him, and receiving His guidance in your life when you seek wisdom and clarity about a situation. It differs from counseling or pastoral care in that together the director and directee observe the Lord’s present actions and guiding invitations as companions.
Deacon Kim Allen is a certified Spiritual Director in the Selah-Anglican track with Leadership Transformations, Inc. and is a member of Grafted Life Ministries. Typically, private sessions are scheduled monthly and there is no fee for church members, although donations to the church are welcome.
If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment, please email her for information.
Men seeking an appointment will be referred to Fr. Keith, Fr. Hunter, or another trained male prayer team member.

True Vine Ministry of Indian River
True Vine is a Christ-centered, inner healing ministry founded by our own Fr. Bob and Judy Stull. They approach ministry for healing of the whole person (spirit, soul, and body) and offer year-round learning opportunities in addition to private appointments with individuals seeking healing and wholeness from any of life's wounds. The guiding mission is to help others find freedom as we learn to abide in Jesus Christ for healing, health, and wholeness.
For more information, contact Judy Stull at 772-299-8851 or visit the website at

Pastoral Care
Our parish has two priests, two deacons, and a bishop-in-residence (retired) who are each available to our members for pastoral support, prayer, theological conversations, or any other spiritual need. If you would like to make an appointment, please contact the clergy directly or call the office at 772-562-8670.

Military Moms Prayer Group
Christ Church hosts the weekly meetings for moms and "those with a mom's heart" whose loved ones are serving the US military on active duty in any capacity. This prayer group is open to the public and meets in the Community Center every Thursday at 5 pm, excluding holidays. For more information, please contact the organization at
For more information on receiving prayer or joining a prayer team at Christ Church, please email Deacon Kim or call 772-562-8670.