Anglicans are Christians. We are a part of the historical continuity of God's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church given to us by the teaching and traditions modeled by the first Apostles and their successors in the faith. The spiritual beauty of Anglicanism is how our lives in Jesus are formed - and transformed - by the Holy Spirit through Scripture and prayer as we serve as His witnesses throughout the world.
While the roots of the Anglican, or English, Church go back as far as the 2nd century, its current structure and status can be traced back to English Reformations in the 1600's. Today, the Anglican Church has a global presence with nearly 85 million participants and continues to uphold its devotion to prayer and the sacred authority of Scripture, the grace and blessings of sacraments, and leading by the Holy Spirit.

While Anglicanism serves as a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism (having kept features and practices from the historic traditions such as vestments, the rhythm of a church calendar, and robust liturgical worship), it accommodates a diverse expression of faith and worship among its members. This means that even though we share a common liturgy, Scripture lectionary, and prayers of the Church, an Anglican worship service in South America will look and sound differently than one in Canada or Africa.
Anglicanism is Biblical, generous, and beautiful in its order of retelling and participation in the story of Jesus and His love, arranged in the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Trinity. Because the Book of Common Prayer is in worldwide use, our engagement with Scripture and collective prayers are part of a global family of people praising God on which the sun never sets.

Scriptures, Prayers & Creeds
Anglicans regard the Holy Bible as the highest and supreme authority in matters of faith, containing all things necessary for salvation. Each worship service includes readings from the Old Testament, Psalms, Epistles, and Gospel portions, and the Daily Office continues the pattern throughout the week. The goal for this emphasis is simple: to know and do the will of God, which comes only as the Holy Spirit illumines our spiritual understanding of the text. The Apocrypha is also read for examples of life and instruction, but not as an authority to establish doctrine.
Anglicans are a praying people. Our use of the Book of Common Prayer forms the personal and corporate worship with its collection of psalms, services, scripture reading calendar, and topical prayers (called 'collects'). It is through our prayers and liturgies that our biblical theology is established and then converted into a lifestyle of that faith in action.
Our Christian faith is unified by our confession and declaration of the Biblical truth contained in the three historic creeds of the Church (the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed). These documents offer a concise summary of authentic and essential Christian doctrines common to the majority of Christians. Importantly, they serve to guard the faith from error and revisionist agendas.
All are welcomed to attend our Worship services or a Bible Study. For more information on Anglicanism or Christ Church Vero Beach, please call our Church Office at 772.562.8670 or contact Fr. Keith Allen or Fr. Hunter Van Wagenen for additional resources and/or clarification.
Christ Church held its first service on April 13, 2008 in the Rose Garden at the home of Roy and Mary Schick. That summer, we moved into a commercial space along US 1 in Vero Beach and continued worshiping, growing, and reaching out to serve those in our community and around the world with the love and Word of God.
In 2017, we moved into our current building on Sixth Avenue near Miracle Mile where we remain on mission to Worship, Grow and Reach, demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ and making disciples who love and serve the Lord. By God's grace, we began construction on our new Christ Church Academy Lower School building in 2023 that will serve K-4th grade students starting in the 2025-26 academic year.